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Frequently asked questions

Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about iKörkort.nu. If you can't find the answer to your question, you can contact us.
Can iKörkort.nu help me pass the real theory test?
Yes, the member's section of iKörkort.nu can teach you everything you need to know to pass the real theory test.
How do I use iKörkort.nu in the best way?
The easiest, most fun and most effective way to use iKörkort.nu is to play The Licence Game. Once you have completed the game, you will have gained all the knowledge you need to pass the real theory test!
When am I ready to take the real theory test?
You are most likely ready to take the real theory test after you have completed The Licence Game. Otherwise, when you have read and understood all of the licence theory on iKörkort.nu and are able to regularly pass our 70 question theory test, you should also be ready.
Are the theory tests on iKörkort.nu the same as the real theory test?
No, but they are very similar to the real theory test. The theory tests on iKörkort.nu contain the same type of questions and are about as difficult as the real theory test.
Are the theory questions on iKörkort.nu up to date?
Yes, as soon as a new law or traffic rule is introduced or changed, we update the theory questions.
Can I listen to iKörkort.nu's content?
Yes, iKörkort.nu has integrated support for ReadSpeaker. With just one click the text is simultaneously read aloud and highlighted so you can easily follow along. Read more about ReadSpeaker.
Will I get access to the iKörkort app if I buy a membership on iKörkort.nu?
No, but iKörkort.nu works great in your browser on your smartphone or tablet.
What is the difference between the iKörkort app and iKörkort.nu?
The main difference is that iKörkort.nu works on all your devices, while the iKörkort app only works on either your iPhone and iPad or your Android phone or Android tablet.

However, the content in the iKörkort app is the same as the content on iKörkort.nu.
How do I pay for my membership?
We use Klarna Checkout as our payment solution, which makes it possible for you to choose between a number of different payment methods.
I have a promo code. How do I use it?
To use a promo code, click here or on the "Join now" button at the top right of the page. Below the different membership options, there is a link called "Click here if you have a gift voucher or discount code". Click on the link and follow the instructions.
Do I have the right to cancel my purchase afterwards?
Yes, under the Swedish Distance Contracts Act (distansavtalslagen), you have 14 days to withdraw your purchase. However, the right of withdrawal does not apply if you have started using the service.
Do you automatically renew memberships?
No, we never automatically renew any memberships.

You can, on the other hand, renew your membership at any point without losing any time. If you renew your current membership before it expires, any remaining time is added to your new membership. For example, if you have three days left on your current membership and you renew for one month, your membership will remain valid for one month and three days.
Can I lend my account to a friend?
No, your account is personal and may only be used by you. In case of misuse, your account can be terminated without refund.
Can I buy an iKörkort.nu gift voucher?
Yes, you can buy an iKörkort.nu gift voucher that is sent directly to your email address as a print-friendly PDF.
Do you offer a discount when buying several memberships at the same time?
Yes, if you wish to buy several memberships for your company or school, we can offer attractive package prices and payment by invoice. Read more about our multi-user licences.