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Common theory questions

How do you turn at a junction in the most environmentally friendly way?

The most environmentally friendly way to turn at a junction is by first slowing down using the engine brake and then turning.

By first slowing down using the engine brake and then turning, the car consumes the least possible amount of fuel.

Turning in the most environmentally friendly way

  1. Release the accelerator well in advance of the junction.
  2. Downshift when the engine speed drops to 1,200-1,300 rpm.
  3. Repeat this process as long as it is needed and is possible.
  4. Only use the foot brake if it is necessary.
  5. Turn – perhaps giving a little support with the accelerator.

A lot of people make the mistake of disengaging the clutch (keep it pressed down) both before entering the junction and while turning. If you do so, fuel is still supplied to the engine.