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Common theory questions

Where should you position your car before entering a roundabout?

How you should position your car before you enter, and once you are on, the roundabout depends on whether you are going to turn right, drive straight on or turn left.

Roundabouts with one lane

Right turns

  1. Position your car on the right-hand side of the lane and start indicating to the right before entering.
  2. Keep to the right in the roundabout.
  3. Exit to the right.


  1. Position your car on the right-hand side of the lane. Do not indicate.
  2. Keep to the right in the roundabout.
  3. Start indicating to the right just after passing the exit prior to your exit.
  4. Exit to the right.

Left turns

  1. Position your car on the left-hand side of the lane and start indicating to the left before entering.
  2. Keep to the left in the roundabout and keep indicating.
  3. Start indicating to the right just after passing the exit prior to your exit, and move to the right when it is safe to do so.
  4. Exit to the right.

Roundabouts with several lanes

If a roundabout has several lanes, you can initially position the car closer to the centre of your lane.

  • Choose the right-hand lane if you are going to turn right or drive straight on.
  • If you are going to drive straight on and turn left at the junction directly after the roundabout, you can, in most cases, also choose the left-hand lane.
  • Choose the left-hand lane if you are going to turn left.