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Common theory questions

What do you have to do when you have parked your car and are about to leave it?

When you have parked you must ensure that no one else can use your vehicle accidentally. Do not leave the car unlocked without supervision. It is prohibited to leave the key in the ignition in an unsupervised vehicle.

One exception is in case of fire or smoke development in a tunnel. If that happens you should immediately leave your car unlocked with the key in the ignition (so that emergency personnel can move the car) and follow the signposted escape route.

Other things to consider when you have parked

- You must ensure that the vehicle cannot begin to roll.

- When you are about to get out you may not open the doors in such a way that there is danger for others.

- Never leave a child alone in the car. Do not leave pets in the car when the car is parked in the sun as it can quickly become very hot inside.